How to erect LT line support? - Elecrical & Electronics Essence

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Sunday, September 3, 2017

How to erect LT line support?

Lt Line supports or poles are erected mainly in areas with human population like villages, towns cities, etc. Particularly 8/9m PSC or PCC poles are used as LT line supports. But in difficult terrain and hilly areas, steel tubular poles are given priority.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Erection of LT Line supports consist of three phases:
·         Pit Excavation
·         Base Plate
·         Pole Erection

Pit Excavation
Pit excavation is carried out as per specified standards. An area having width of 500mm and length of 600mm towards the LT line is marked. The depth of pit is kept, 1500mm such that one-sixth part of the pole is below the ground level.
Base Plate
Base plates are stone or PCC plates, shaped as per specified standards. The dimensions of base plate used in erection LT line support is (450x450x75mm). It is placed at the bottom of the excavated pit before placing the PSC/PCC pole.
Pole Erection

Pole Erection is carried out either manually or with the help of machines. After placing base plate, LT poles are placed in the pit such that the face (broad side) of the pole is in the direction of LT line while narrow side is in transverse direction. Pole base is adjusted to the center of base plate and held vertically with the help of external support. The pit is filled with a mixture of aggregate and compact soil. The aggregate or stone boulders (10mm -80mm) comprise 60% while compact soil is 40% of the mixture.  Compaction of the mixture is carried out with help of long pipe or bamboo. At last verticality and the direction of pole face is checked.
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Source- REC Construction Standards.

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