How to Reduce AT & C Losses in Power Distribution System? - Elecrical & Electronics Essence

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

How to Reduce AT & C Losses in Power Distribution System?



AT & C losses is abbreviation of Aggregate Technical and Commercial Losses. At present AT & C loss in India is around 18%. About 75% of total AT & C losses in power system occurs in Distribution System. There are two types of AT & C losses in power network-

  1. Technical Losses
  2. Commercial Losses


Please visit this link for details on AT & C Losses:-

Several projects have been carried out to reduce AT & C Losses in India. And these have succeeded in reducing AT & C Loss from 35% (2004-5) to 18% (2019-20).

Technical Loss Reduction

Technical losses occur in electricity supply through the distribution system network. It consists of transformers, conductors, switchgears and cables. It occurs due to transformation of different voltage levels and I2R loss in conductors.

To overcome this technical loss-

  • Regular maintenance of feeders and transformers are done.
  • To overcome overloading, separate feeders were made for domestic and commercial consumers.
  • To reduce lengths of feeders, separate feeders were made for Irrigation and domestic use.
  • Replacement of switchgears at sub-stations was done along with bay extension.
  • Technically Advanced sub Stations were built in high demand areas.
  • High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) was introduced in areas of high theft.
  • AB Cabling for bare conductor replacement.

AB Cabling in Rural Area

Projects launched by Govt. of India to reduce technical losses are-

  1. Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyut Karan Yogna (RGGVY), year-2005.
  2. Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF), Year-2007.
  3. Restructured Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Program (R-APDRP), Year-2008.
  4. Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS), Year-2015.
  5. Deen Dayal Upadhaya Gram Jyoti Yogna (DDUGJY), Year-2015.

Commercial Loss Reduction

Commercial loss is the loss of revenue which should have been acquired for electricity supply. It is mainly due to obsolete metering technology, non-realization of electricity bills and theft.

To overcome commercial loss-

  • Consumer Indexing must be done.
  • Installation of smart meters (in Rural Areas) and pre-paid meters (in Urban Areas) in 100% consumer premises.
  • Regular 100% Billing Efficiency.

         Billing Efficiency= (Total Units Sold or Billed in Kwh/Total input energy in Kwh)*100

  • Improvement in Collection Efficiency.

         Collection Efficiency= (Total revenue from consumers/Total billed amount to consumers)*100.

  • Strict rules implementation on electricity theft and hooking on conductor.


Projects launched by Govt. of India to reduce commercial losses are-

  1. Saubhagya Yojna, Year- 2017.
  2. Smart Metering projects, Year- 2016.
  3. Billing Through RRFs Model and Agency Model.
  4. Uday Scheme, Year-2015.
India aims to reduce AT & C losses below 15% by 2020-21 through these projects.

Thank You

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